Internet protocol TV (IPTV) is a promising Internet killer application, which integrates video, voice, and data onto a single IP\r\nnetwork, and offers viewers an innovative set of choices and control over their TV content. To provide high-quality IPTV services,\r\nan effective strategy is based on caching. This work proposes a segment-based two-tier caching approach, which divides each video\r\ninto multiple segments to be cached. This approach also partitions the cache space into two layers, where the first layer mainly\r\ncaches to-be-played segments and the second layer saves possibly played segments. As the segment access becomes frequent, the\r\nproposed approach enlarges the first layer and reduces the second layer, and vice versa. Because requested segments may not\r\nbe accessed frequently, this work further designs an admission control mechanism to determine whether an incoming segment\r\nshould be cached or not. The cache architecture takes forward/stop playback into account and may replace the unused segments\r\nunder the interrupted playback. Finally, we conduct comprehensive simulation experiments to evaluate the performance of the\r\nproposed approach. The results show that our approach can yield higher hit ratio than previous work under various environmental\r\nparameters.